Three Things Not to Wear to an Interview

Deciding what to wear when you go on an interview is a major stressor for most people. The choice of outfit, accessories, and overall presentation can be nerve wracking. A lot of people think that they might win or lose the job based on how they dress. While that’s often not the case, and many … Read more

4 Seasonal Jobs That Don’t Suck

seasonal jobs

Most seasonal jobs suck. Sorry, but that’s a fact. When you hear the phrase “seasonal job”, what comes to mind?For most people the image of stocking shelves in a department store, or dealing with harried customers screaming for last minute gifts is what a “seasonal job” is. But that’s not all of it. While there … Read more

Do Recruiters Care About Where You Went To College?

recruiter college library

Do you need to have gone to an Ivy League college to attract the attention of a recruiter? Do recruiters care where you went to college or is your resume more important. Not so simple a question when it comes down to it. Some recruiters might only want to work with people who went to … Read more