Can You Put DoorDash on Your Resume? Or Does it Hurt Your Chances

There are thousands of people who work for DoorDash. And odds are that if you’re reading this article, you’re wondering if you can put DoorDash on your resume.

Or should you consider leaving it off your resume because it might hurt your changes of landing a job?

Decent questions and in today’s “gig economy” these are reasonable ones for many people to ask.

Let’s first start with a blanket statement: DoorDash isn’t a good addition to your resume if you’re looking to work in corporate America.

And more to the point, if you’re considering a job as a fully time employee in a business that isn’t retail or medical, then it’s best to leave DoorDash off of your resume.

There are some exceptions, much like having Uber on your resume, which I covered in a recent article.

But as a guide rule, it’s better to leave DoorDash off of your resume. Employers are not that impressed with people who work “gig” roles, including rideshares and other jobs like DoorDash, so it’s better to keep it off.

Is it Good to Put DoorDash on Your Resume?

As we’ve said, it’s a not a good idea to list DoorDash on your resume. There’s no formal rule that employers and recruiters will bypass you, but it’s generally understood that DoorDash isn’t impressive or a good indicator of work performance.

The reason that it’s not good to put DoorDash on your resume is because employers don’t value “gig” work. Someone who is hiring someone for an office job where you must be there in person 9am to 5pm is not going to respect someone who picked up random job assignments to deliver food.

Now, that is obviously not an accurate way to judge someone’s ability to work or perform. But that’s not your concern. All you need to know is that employers (and therefore recruiters who work with these employers) essentially view the DoorDash and rideshare economy as employing people who are not able to work a full time job.

If you don’t have to put DoorDash on your resume, then you should leave it off.

There are lots of people who are working DoorDash as a second job or a part time job. The best advice overall is to not list part time and second jobs on your resume.

Does DoorDash Count as a Job?                          

This should be an obvious question, but it’s still worth asking. Does DoorDash count as a Job? Yes.

If you are being paid, then it counts as a job. You are not volunteering your time.

It doesn’t matter if you are being paid a lot or a little, or if the job is part time or full time, or if the job pays you with a 1099 as an IC or if you get a w4 to fill out.

A job is a job.

That doesn’t mean it belongs on a resume. Your resume does not have to list all of your jobs. If you are working a full time job, and there are no gaps on your resume, then you should not list DoorDash.

But, to answer the question definitively, yes DoorDash counts as a Job.

What Do You Put on Your Resume for DoorDash?

If you are in a position where you want to put DoorDash on your resume, how exactly do you do it?

Well, you would approach it like any other job. You would list the name of the company, in this case DoorDash and then list the dates you worked for them.

Underneath that section, you would list what the job responsibilities were. Here is where you can make an impression.

The way in which you write the job description can positively impact the person reading your resume.

So, if you are going to list DoorDash on your resume, make sure that you list job details and write it in a professional way.

What I would recommend you do is do a search on LinkedIn for anyone who has DoorDash listed on their profile. Odds are that you’ll see someone who has done the research and has crafted a good way of communicating the job.

You can also search for Door Dash resume examples. Read a few and then copy and paste the job details from it straight into your resume. Trust me, recruiters and employers are not going to run the resume through a copyscape program to tell if it’s a copy and not original.

Does DoorDash Look Bad on your Resume?

This question requires a few different answers.

First, yes, if you are sending your resume out for a higher level role or any role in a company that is above mailroom, labor, or basic admin work, then DoorDash is going to be a strike against you.

If you are not applying for a corporate role and are instead sending your resume in for a retail role such as one at Home Depot, or other locations such as big box stores, then it’s not a strike against you. And places such as car dealerships are certainly not going to care if you list working at DoorDash on your resume. Car dealerhips reguarly hire Felons and so they don’t care what’s on a resume as long as you show up to work.

The main thing to be aware of is that more “professional” environments are going to have a more negative view of DoorDash and other gig work. The hiring managers in these companies do not believe that the work aligns well with the demands of a professional atmosphere.

On the other hand, if you are applying for a job that is in alignment with DoorDash responsibilities, such as a courier or transport in a warehouse, then you should definitely list it on your resume.

It’s not a one answer fits all question. There are times when DoorDash does look bad on your resume. These would be:

  • Professional Jobs
  • Corporate Settings

There are also times when it looks fine. These include: