Can You Put Lyft on a Resume?

Many people who drove for a rideshare company such as Uber or Lyft are curious about listing the experience on their resume.

You will get conflicting information about this online. Particularly from people who have driven for Lyft or Uber.

Some people say to list it on your resume, others say to leave it off. Who is right?

Well, as is the case with most questions it depends. It depends on what sort of work you are seeking.

There are some roles where you can put Lyft on a resume.

There are other jobs where, if you do put Lyft on a resume, you will be virtually guaranteeing that you’re not going to be called back for an interview.

It’s not as simple as saying always keep Lyft off of your resume or always leave it on. It’s very dependent on the situation you are in and the type of job you are applying for.

Is Lyft Considered Freelance Work

Oftentimes people wonder if Lyft is considered freelance work. And the answer is yes. When you work for Lyft or Uber or any of those rideshare or gig work jobs, then you’re a freelancer.

What does that mean? Well, for one thing it means you have to pay extra tax because there is no withholding. So plan accordingly.

But more to the point, some people wonder if they can write a resume and list Lyft as a freelance role that they have worked at.

While they certainly can, if you don’t list the company name on your resume, people are going to be a bit wary. And then, of course, there is the issue of having do list and describe the job duties. Here’s where it will come back to bite you.

When you are a driver for Lyft, you are going to have to list your job duties as driving. Sure, there are many other job duties that you can list, but that should be there.

So, when the person who is reading the resume takes a look at the title: Freelance, and they then deduce that you were a driver for a ridesharing company such as Lyft or Uber, then they’ll be annoyed.

It’s better to list the name of the company if you are going to include driving for Lyft on your resume at all.

How to Put Lyft Driver on a Resume?

So, if you’ve decided to put Lyft driver on your resume, it’s best to go ahead and simply write Lyft as the main company and – driver or Independent Contractor.

The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a professional description underneath the job title.

You want to make sure that the person reading your resume is impressed with the manner in which you describe your role at Lyft.

Face it, everyone knows what a Lyft driver is and what they do. The way in which you can distinguish yourself comes down to how you describe your activities working for Lyft.

If you just leave a mostly blank space under the title of Lyft driver, then don’t expect to get positive feedback.

If, however, you spend some time crafting your resume and make it sound professional, then people will possibly overlook the fact that you’re working as a driver for a rideshare company.

If you’re looking to work with a temp agency, realize that the recruiter might not look favorably on Lyft, Ubder, DoorDash, or other gig work. However, if they are dealing with warehouse temp jobs or other non-corporate enviroments, there should be no problem. Temp agencies still exist and they are a source for people looking to find work. And many temp agencies will not care if you list Lyft on your resume as long as you’re able to work and have the skills they need.

Should You List Rideshare Work or Will It Hold You Back?

This question comes up a lot. I covered it somewhat when discussing Uber drivers. The same principal applies for Uber as it does for Lyft.

The basic question that you need to address is whether or not you need to include Lyft on your resume.

If you are using Lyft as a part time job, then it’s not necessary to list it on your resume.

And you should definitely not list Lyft on your resume if you’re someone who has a full time job and are only using Lyft as a part time hustle.

Even the idea of letting employers know that you work a second job, or a “side hustle”, is a bad idea.

If you are listing a ridesharing job on your resume, it should only be because you have either a career gap that you need to account for, or because you have very limited work experience and are applying for a job that won’t see working at Lyft as a negative.

The types of jobs where it won’t be a strike against you include:

  • Retail Jobs
  • Warehouse Jobs
  • Driver Jobs
  • Courier Jobs
  • Government Jobs

Many people are hesitant to list rideshares on their resume including Uber and Lfyt because it’s not a regular steady job. You are working in a “gig” economy. There has been enormous criticism about this sort of work, and how people who work “gig” jobs are underpaid, exploited, and not paid a living wage.

Honestly, employers and hiring managers don’t care about that. If they could find someone to work for free, they would. In fact, most companies try and find an “intern” to do the work before looking for a paid person.

The fact that Ubder drivers are vocal about low pay and dangerous working conditions means nothing to your future employer. They only care about your ability to provide them with a profitable employee.