Best Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree

Not everyone is able to go to college–either because of financial issues, or perhaps they simply are not the “college type”. While that might cause some people to be frustrated about career options, the truth is that there are many career fields where college is not necessary. And many of them are lucrative. Dental Hygienist … Read more

Interview Series: Inside Scoop from H.R.

interview with human resource

For this segment of my interview series, I wanted to bring in someone from the world of H.R. Most people who deal with recruiters are going to also deal with H.R.—even though they are two very different types of roles. Human Resource personnel work within a company and assist with a variety of basic administrative … Read more

Do Dental Receptionists Get Drug Tested?

drug testing dental

If you are applying for a job at a dental office, then you might have to take a drug test. Dental receptionists are not required to have as many verifications and credentials as a dental hygienist or dental assistant, but many dental office managers will require a drug test. Besides requiring a drug test, most … Read more