Do You Need a Photo on a Resume?

should you put a photo on a resume

If you’re updating your old resume, or if you are making a resume for the first time, odds are that you’ve seen a lot of resumes online that have photos on them. Do you also need a photo on your resume? That’s a pretty important question to ask. Why? Because adding a photo  can really … Read more

Three Ways to Impress a Recruiter

how to impress recruiter

The job market’s incredibly competitive and everyone is looking for a way to impress a recruiter. It’s a common complaint on Reddit and even LinkedIn that recruiters simply ghost people or never follow up to begin with. Why is that? Well, as a recruiter who has been on the other side of the aisle, I’m … Read more

Do Nursing Resumes Need Cover Letters

do nurses need cover letters

The topic of cover letters is a controversial one in recruiting. Many people who give career advice are divided over cover letters and if they are needed. The truth is that it depends on the job. Some companies do require cover letters, but for the most part, cover letters are not needed. If you’re interested … Read more