Can You List Content Mills on Your Resume?

Freelance writers often struggle with how to list their experience on a resume. While that topic is too large for this single article, what I did want to do was cover the topic of so called “content mills”. These are online brokers who have people write out topics for any number of businesses. The writers … Read more

Do You Have to be a Nurse to be a Nurse Recruiter?

do you have to be a nurse to be a nurse recrutier

One of the most common types of recruiting is nurse recruiting. There are entire agencies setup up and designed to handle only nurses. I know that it seems odd to anyone who doesn’t work in the nursing field, or who is not involved in medical staffing, but it’s the truth. I’ll discuss in brief why … Read more

Is It Rude to Ignore Recruiters on LinkedIn?

rude to a recruiter

If you have a LinkedIn profile, then you might be contacted by a recruiter. That’s the purpose of a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is a professional networking service, not a social networking service to be used like Facebook or Twitter. Of course, you will see a lot of pointless social posting on LinkedIn, which is a … Read more