What to Wear to a Recruiter Interview

can a recruiter find me a job

A lot of people stress about what to wear to a job interview. Well, it’s not as bad when you’re meeting with a recruiter, but it is still important. Some people think that just because they are dealing with a recruiter that they can be lazy, relaxed, or just too casual. Well, if you act … Read more

Can You Lie On Your Resume

can you lie on a resume

Almost everyone who has ever sat down to write a resume has wondered if they should or if they can lie on the resume. It’s not uncommon a thought. And if you read online advice columns, then you would think that everyone is a saint when it comes writing a resume. The popular advice is … Read more

The Myth of the Entry Level Job

entry level job

Oh, that ever elusive thing…the entry level job. Everyone talks about them, but no one seems to have one! In all my years as a recruiter, it was in the top three questions new grads would ask me. Virtually everyone getting out of college today wants that entry level job. The problem is, they don’t … Read more