What Do Recruiters Do?

what do recruiters do

This is such a broad question that it would probably be best broken up into several sections. And you could even write a few different posts covering each aspect. But, since I like to be fast and to the point, I’m going to try and cover it all in one single and relatively short blog … Read more

Do Recruiters Care About Where You Went To College?

recruiter college library

Do you need to have gone to an Ivy League college to attract the attention of a recruiter? Do recruiters care where you went to college or is your resume more important. Not so simple a question when it comes down to it. Some recruiters might only want to work with people who went to … Read more

Do Recruiters Get Commission?

recruiters comission

One of the most commonly asked questions in the recruiting world is do recruiters get commission or do they get a flat fee. It is the first question someone asks when deciding if they want to work as a recruiter. The answer will determine how much potential money a recruiter can make. In some companies … Read more