Do You Need a Resume for Home Depot?

Not only do you need a resume for home depot, but it’s good practice to have a resume for when you’re done with Home Depot.

Because the goal isn’t to work at Home Depot forever. The goal should be either extra money (side money, or side hustles) or else to build a resume and have a big corporation on your resume.

No one wants to stay working at a retail job forever. Not because it’s not “good enough”, but because modern corporations do not pay enough, they don’t provide benefits, and they don’t have retirement plans.

In today’s workplace you are indispensable, and you should act in your own self interest. Most big retailers only hire on part timers, and do not pay benefits. So treat these jobs like a stepping stone or a quick extra source of income.

That said, Home Depot is a pretty popular place to work. And they are always hiring. And, as opposed to fast food places like McDonalds and other fast food places, the customer interactions are not as crazy.

So, if you’re looking to work at Home Depot, then it’s important to understand how to go about finding that job, applying for that job, and then getting the job.

You Always Need a Resume

home depot resume

When you are applying for a job at home depot, or really any job, you need a resume. You can’t apply for a job in the modern workplace without one. It’s that simple. In the old days it might have been enough to walk in off the street and apply for work, but that’s no longer applicable.

Even if you’re applying to work as a cashier at Home Depot, you will need a resume. And that’s important.

When you apply online to any Home Depot role, you will likely see that you can fill out a form which has form fields for all of your info.

While it might seem like you don’t need a resume after filling out this application, you actually do.

You might be called into the hiring managers office at Home Depot and they will ask for your resume. What then will you do?

And you’re forgetting the larger picture. You need to look at Home Depot as a stepping stone in the long project called your career. So, it’s important that you get into the habit of revising your resume.

It’s always important to keep your resume sharp and up to date, especially when you are early in your career as a worker because companies have no reason to keep people on—unions are only for Cops, Teachers and Nurses in most places— and so if you’re working in any sort of corporate environment you are out for yourself.

Home Depot Jobs: Cashier to Stock Need Resumes

home depot resume

The simple fact is that even at the lowest level, when you apply to work at Home Depot, you’re going to be working for a big corporation. And big corporations all like conformity and standard procedure.

All roles require a resume. I don’t care if you “know someone who works there that doesn’t have a resume”, you must behave as your own person.

So, create a resume and have it ready at your disposal. Don’t be lazy. If you are set up for an interview and the hiring manager asks for your resume and you give them some lame excuse, then you’ll be in trouble.

It doesn’t matter if you are applying for a role as a stocker, or cashier, you will want to make a good impression. Remember, you are applying to work at Home Depot, not some mom and pop store where they remember your name and have a hands on attitude.

No, when you’re applying to work at a huge company such as Home Depot, it’s important to realize that you’re dealing with a huge corporation that doesn’t have the same hands on touch that a small business has.

So, make sure all of your ducks are in a row and you have your resume in front of the hiring manager the moment that they ask you about it.

Technically, you don’t need a resume to apply to a home depot job. Why? Because they accept applications online via their website. All you need to do is to log on, create an account, and fill out certain forms- current availability, former work experience, telephone number, and contact email.

Here’s a link to a long reddit form where people discuss their experiences applying for (and working at) Home Depot. The general idea was that you don’t need a resume, but you should have one because a lot of hiring managers do want to look at one.

How To Write a Resume for Home Depot?

This is simple.  The best way to write a resume for Home Depot is to write a simple resume. You want to create one that is simple to read, clean to look at , and has the required information.

A good resume for Home Depot will have the important and essential information:

  • Name and Contact Info
  • Education
  • Prior Work Experience

That’s it. There’s nothing else that you need to put on a resume for a home depot job. In fact, the more you put on your resume, the more likely it is that your resume will be overlooked.

Remember, home depot hiring mangers only see resumes that get by whatever internal applicant tracking system they use. And only then do they review the submissions.

So, leave off excess verbiage about your “dream job” your “mission statement” or anything else.

You want your resume to be a very streamlined glimpse of you as a person. Don’t list things that are of not importance to your employer. The entire objective statement that many people add to their resumes are not important to most employers. So skip it.

Keep it simple. That’s the best way to approach a resume for home depot. You want to make sure that they know your name, where you live, and your most recent job.

If you don’t have a lot of experience, don’t worry. It’s not expected that you have a perfect resume if you’re applying to work at home depot. The main thing is that you need to have a solid history.

So, for instance, if you just graduated from High School, then your resume is not expected to be as involved as someone who has a 10 year jump start in the workplace.

What is important is that you list important facts. So, for someone who is a recent high school graduate, what I would do is this:

  • List Your Name and Address and Contact Info
  • List your High School
  • Underneath it, list extra curriculars or community service.

And if you’re out of school and have work experience, the stick with the standard formula of Name, Recent Work Experience, and Education.

Where to Get a Resume?

You can make your own resume online, at home for free. There are a lot of online resources.

Here are some of the best ones to choose from:

I would suggest you avoid using services such as Indeed. The reason? They completely revise and squash and reformat your resume. It looks totally different. Ask any recruiter about Indeed resumes and they will all sigh about how bad it is.

If you have Microsoft Word, the you can also use Word as a template. However, Microsoft Word does cost a fee, so if you don’t have is…be aware that you will have to sign up for the Microsoft word program and pay a fee.

Should You Print a Resume?

Yes, I suggest always printing two copies of a resume and bringing them to interviews. This helps when the interviewer doesn’t have access to a computer for some reason.

You don’t need to keep dozens of copies of your resume around, but a few helps.

Why Does Home Depot Require a Resume?

Home Depot doesn’t want to deal with people who can’t work or who don’t want to work. Someone without a resume is someone who hasn’t prepared themselves for the workplace.

Remember, even if you don’t have a resume, it’s important that you realize that it doesn’t matter how hard you work, no one knows that.

If you have prior expericne working in a retail loction, I would suggest adding that to your resume becuse it’s extremely revelant. In fact, one of the popular questions that comes up during the in person interviews is to discuss a prior work situation that is comprable to the home depot enviroment.

You are competing with all sorts of people who have resumes. Even people on government welfare programs who haven’t worked in years due to incarnation or simply their own decision to not work have professionally made resumes created for them by social workers, government employees in back to work programs, and a whole other network of support.

Remember, job interviews are not a waste of time. Not for the company and not for you. They want to see the type of candidate that will be working in their store.

So, realize that even if the people you see applying in person look like they wouldn’t be able to create a resume, someone has likely done it for them.

Don’t put yourself at a disadvantage and go into a job interview without a resume.

How To Search Jobs at Home Depot and Apply To Them

Once you’ve written up a basic resume (I suggest you use one of the free sites listed above, and not something like a free Indeed resume format) then log onto the official Home Depot site.

Here’s the place on the Home Depot corporate site where you can search jobs by location.

The good thing about the Home Depot website is that they let you search by zip code and you can refine the job search by distance, job title, and other details.

Also, Home Depot advertises the hourly pay rate for their jobs and lets you decide if the pay rate is something that is attractive for your current situation.