How Early Should You Be for an Online Interview

With online interviews becoming more and more prevalent, it’s important to understand the etiquette surrounding them.

A Zoom or a Skype interview is going to be much different in protocol than a regular face to face interview.

That said, there are a lot of similarities. You’ll want to dress the same for an online interview. You should never show up to a Zoom or Skype interview wearing a t-shirt and jeans. It’s just not acceptable.

But, while there are a lot of little things to cover regarding online interviews, what I want to focus on here is the single issue of how early you should show up for the interview.

I’ve written elsewhere on how important it is to be punctual. In fact, it’s better to be a bit early. And the same holds true for online interviews.

Of course, the same protocol that holds for an online interview is different from an in office interview, the basic rule of being ready and showing up early is the same.

Most people understand that you should show up early for an interview, and the same holds true for an online interview.

Let’s review exactly how early you should be for your online interview and why that’s important.

Why Show Up Early for an Online Interview

You might be asking, why show up early for an online interview? It’s not like the person conducting the interview will see you waiting in reception and have a positive reaction to that.

Well, there are a number of reasons.

  • You want to make sure you can connect without a problem
  • The interviewer might be notified by email you have entered the virtual interview room

These are the two main issues that necessitate you showing up early. One of for pragmatic reasons: you want to make sure you can sign into the interview. The second is more of a interview hack, you want the interviewer to see that you’re responsible and punctual and by entering the virtual interview early (even if you are not allowed in) you might be able to alert the interviewer that you’re punctual and responsible.

Anything that you can do that signals that you’re professional and responsible is a good idea.

The other issue that is important is to make sure that you can access the interview link. Sometimes the person who is responsible for setting the interview makes mistakes. The interview scheduler might be some bored administrative assistant, perhaps a temp who was hired for a few days, or even a remote-outsourced administrative support assistant from overseas.

There is no telling who was responsible for arranging the interview, and you therefore have no idea if they were competent.

You want to make sure that there is no problem with the interview link that was sent to you.

If you log in and show up early and you can’t access it because it tells you that the interview must allow you in, then that’s fine.

But if there is some other sort of error message or error code on the link, then you will need to notify the interviewer by email that you cannot enter the virtual interview room.

Of course, be sure that there is an issue. Sometimes the virtual interview will not allow you to enter until exactly the time set for the interview. So, if there is an issue and you can’t enter the interview room at the designated time make sure to notify the interview scheduler via email.

You do not want the interviewer to think that n

Should You Join an Online Interview Early?

Yes, if possible, you should join an online interview early. Sometimes the person who sets up the virtual interview room doesn’t set parameters  that prohibit you from joining early.

If that’s the case, then show up and join a few minutes early. You don’t want to enter the interview room too early because you are going to just be sitting in front of your camera. So, I would advise joining not more than 5 minutes early.

Remember, as soon as you join you’re going to be on camera. So, ideally I would suggest only joining a couple of minutes early.

The reasons are the same as the ones I mentioned above. You want to make sure that the link works and you also want to alert the interviewer that you’re someone who is prompt and reliable.

How Early Should Be to a Zoom Interview?

Don’t show up earlier than 5 minutes. You should be ready for the interview way before that, but don’t actually click on that link to sign in before 5 minutes.

I would put the ideal time at around 2 to 3 minute before the actual interview starts.

By making sure that you don’t show up late, you will keep yourself from becoming too nervous.

And if you are online and ready when the person conducting the interview shows up, then it will present a very positive image to them.

Showing up early is one of the main ways you can impress on a Zoom interview.

Different Types of Online Interviews: Know The Interface

Finally, because so many companies use different technology, it’s important that you know how the different tech works.

Skype vs Zoom vs Google Meet and so on.

Most people will have used one of these services at some point, but if you haven’t then I advise you to do a dry run.

Find a friend or relative and ask them to coordinate a time when you can practice setting up a Zoom or Skype call and then making sure you can work the application.

The worst thing is to wait until you are scheduled to have your online interview and realize that you have no idea how to use the software, or that there is some issue with your browser.

Interviewers are not your friend or counselor and they won’t have the patience to wait for you to figure it out. And beyond that, it will look very bad that you were unable to figure out the process on your own.

Finally, I’d suggest that after the interview, it’s polite and good practice to send a thank you note to the recrutier or interviewer.

Early Is Best, On Time Is Essential

Some people are not that eager to show up early for an online interview. They might think that it’s not going to look good to an interviewer that they are sitting in the waiting room.

There’s also the concern that they will be caught looking off camera, or otherwise in some sort of comprising and unprofessional moment. It is a legitimate concern, especially with the way videos and zoom interviews have gone viral (anyone remember the “cat lawyer” can attest to this).

However, nothing showing up early is fine, it’s when you don’t show up on time when there is a problem. More and more people are using an online interview to be the first step in weeding out bad canadidates. If you’re someone who can’t even be bothered to show up for a regular interview, then what do you expect will be the result if they hire you for a full time job.

Employers and recrutiers are now in a space where they can filter out low performing applicants easier than ever. So, make sure you don’t get cut in the first round because you decided to not show up to a Zoom interview on time or early.