Interview With Mercedes: Youth Housing Case Manager

To start off a new series, what I’m going to be doing is interviewing people from a variety of fields. My hope here is to profile people who have different experiences at different levels. We’ve lined up some exciting interviews from Account Executives to Social Workers and Surgeons.

For the first profile, we are going to speak with Mercedes. She works in the non-profit world and has a job as a youth housing case manager. This is a role that many people might never have heard of, but which is incredibly important.

This is a job that is common in large urban areas, so if you’re looking on Indeed and live in Chicago or D.C., then you’re going to come across it.

Mercedes will let you know the basics to help you decide if it’s something that you would be interested in, and if it would be something that you’re qualified for.

What’s Your Educational Background

I was a good student in high school but my grades could be better. My friend was working at a case manager site helping old people and they told me it was a nice job and I like to help people. So I got my associates in social work. That’s why I can make more than my friend who only went to high school. I have a college degree.

My professors teach me how to do things that are in social work so like case notes and psychological assessment for people entering shelters and public housing. My company pays for me to get a Masters too but only part of it so I am interviewing elsewhere.

How Did You Get This Job?

I got it on Indeed. The company hired me right away because I can speak Spanish and that pays more. It was easy I had a Skype interview and they hired me. They gave me a drug test and I had to send my diploma to prove I went to school. It was real fast. My friend didn’t even have a resume and still got hired but they got hired as a case planner which pays less. But it’s better to have a resume when you interview.

What Does a Youth Housing Manager Do?

I make sure that people who are turning 18 and who don’t live with their parents have housing The city has special housing where I sign them up for. Public housing is most people but there are also private housing units I find people housing in. Then we have paperwork that they fill out to make sure the program gets paid. The program pays the landlords.

What’s Your Day Look Like?

I have to call people and make sure they know which apartment they are getting. Some people want to stay in city housing with friends but they can’t choose sometimes. I tell them that because they are in free housing they have to respect the housing choices.

Some youths come from broken homes and others are from criminal backgrounds. They have to also take a job training program which we have in the organization and also get a G.E.D.

Most of the youth are adults so they can’t stay in the foster care unless they have a special case file. And if they have a learning disability they go straight into a supportive living home where they live.

Is The Salary Good?

Well it could be more. We get paid 55k and medical insurance but I get that free anyway so I want a higher salary. I get to work from home and take half days most Mondays and Wednesdays. My boss works from home every day and she makes 100k more than me but she has a Masters degree in Social Work.

My mom told me it is a good salary but I have bills and car payment so I need a better paying job.

I am going to get my Masters Degree and then find a better paying job. As soon as I have a master.