Why Do Employers Check References Before The Interview

why check references

You will need to provide references for most jobs. It’s rare that you will be offered a role at a company without having to provide professional references. Sometimes you will even have to provide personal references. But the fact remains that you do need references to get a job. However, it’s becoming more common for … Read more

Should You Lie on Your Resume?

should you lie on resume

Before you start creating fake jobs on your resume, or even faking dates of employment for prior jobs, take a step back and think long and hard about what you’re about to do. There’s noting illegal about lying on your resume. But that doesn’t mean that you should be doing it. In some cases lying … Read more

3 Reasons a Career Gap Doesn’t Look Good on a Resume

resume gaps look bad

A career cap never looks good on a resume. It is the number one reason why people are not hired or even interviewed for the job. In most situations, when an employer or recruiter sees that there is a significant career gap on your resume they decide that you’re not a good candidate for the … Read more