What Do Recruiters Do?

what do recruiters do

This is such a broad question that it would probably be best broken up into several sections. And you could even write a few different posts covering each aspect. But, since I like to be fast and to the point, I’m going to try and cover it all in one single and relatively short blog … Read more

Do Recruiters Care About Where You Went To College?

recruiter college library

Do you need to have gone to an Ivy League college to attract the attention of a recruiter? Do recruiters care where you went to college or is your resume more important. Not so simple a question when it comes down to it. Some recruiters might only want to work with people who went to … Read more

Four  Reasons You Aren’t Getting Callbacks on Your Resume

Why Do Recruiters Always Want to Talk On The Phone?

Have you been submitting your resume to online job postings on Indeed , Monster, or ZipRecrutier and have been getting no response? Well, there is likely a reason that you aren’t getting callbacks. The worst thing you can do is to continue sending out a resume that isn’t getting any responses. If no one is … Read more