Why Do Recruiters Lowball?

do recruiters lowball

After working with recruiters and receiving job offers, many people are disappointed with the salary offers they receive. This leads to the obvious question as to why recruiters lowball. Are recruiters incentivized to lowball you on a job offer? And if so, is there any way to handle this. Fist, in case you’re unfamiliar with … Read more

What Do Recruiter’s Search for on LinkedIn

how recruiters search linkedin

Understanding how and what recruiters search on LinkedIn is important when you are in the market for a new job. LinkedIn is the premiere social platform for professionals seeking networking opportunities and new work. While many people use it as a de facto Facebook and post daily comments that would be more fit for a … Read more

Do Nurses Make Good Recruiters?

Nursing and recruiting go hand in hand in many large cities. It’s no secret that hospitals, clinics, mental health facilities, homeless shelters, and schools need nurses to be on staff. It’s also no secrete within the recruiting world that nurses are in such high demand that recruiters are needed to find and hire them. It’s … Read more