Do Nurses Need a Degree?

do nurses need a degree

Can anyone work as a nurse or do nurses need a degree? And is there a special degree that nurses need? Well, for those who are nurses or work with nurses, this seems like an easy question to answer. But you would be surprised at the number of people who think that they can just … Read more

Do Nurse Recruiters Work Weekends?

nurse recruiter weekend

Nurse recruiters are an integral part of the nursing process. Without nurse recruiters, hospitals and clinics would be hard pressed to find nursing staff. It’s just the predicament that medical facilities are in nowadays. There are many reasons why nurse recruiters are needed, but suffice to say it’s a fact and it’s here to stay. … Read more

Best Nursing Schools in NYC: The Straight Facts

NYC is one of the most lucrative cities in the world for a registered nurse. Rates for RNs routinely hit over $100 dollars an hour. Even inexperienced nurses who have no real world experience are going to start at a salary of close to $100,000 in NYC. Even nurses who don’t go to the best … Read more